What is Agenda 21?

Saturday, May 3, 2008

General Statewide meeting of the Constitution Party of PA

May 10th 2008 Restless Oaks Rest. 10am

119 Pine Mountain Road

Mc Elhattan PA 17748


Statewide Petition Signing for ballot Access in Nov.

Signature gathering lessons as well as requirements

Overview of the National Connection in Kansas City

Discussion of Organizing Counties across PA especially around Clinton County (North Central PA)

Organizing of one or more Counties that day if possible

Thursday, May 1, 2008

AIP California betrays CP

Go to www.thirdpartywatch.com for a great article on Ed Noonan's "betrayal of the Constitution Party"
by Trent Hill

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Chuck Baldwin CP nominee for president

Chuck Baldwin was nominated as the presidential candidate for the Constitution Party. He defeated former ambassador Alan Keyes at the national convention in Kansas City Missouri this past weekend. Chuck Baldwin is a pastor from Florida who was the vice-presidential candidate in 2004. Go to his website at www.baldwinbrigade.com, it was just put up so please continue to check for updates. Mr. Baldwins running mate is Darrell Castle from Tennessee. There will be more information in a later post.