What is Agenda 21?

Monday, March 19, 2007

Does America have 300?

I just saw the movie 300 tonight and for those of you who saw it,do you think we have 300 that would fight to the death to remain free? In the movie the spartans were fighting as free men for their families, lands and country. I suppose most of us would say we are free and are fighting to stay free. We should take a look at ourselves in the mirror and ask are we really free? Do we own our land? No! Are we free to travel without restrictions and harassment? No! Are we chattel put up as collateral to banking institutions? Yes! Are we free to speak our mind? Not without threats of a lawsuit if we say something that offends others. Are we corporate citizens or soveriegn freemen? Look it up and find out. Are we to lazy to look it up? Yes! Guess what then you are probably already a slave. In Proverbs 22:7 it says: The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower becomes the lenders slave(NASB). Do you think that is an accurate statement for today? Do you owe anyone or any institution money? Are we truly free to do what we really want to do with our lives? So do we have 300 who would fight to the death for freedom? Perhaps, but do we actually have 300 free men in america? I challange you to read the constitution and read what the founders intent was for our country. Remember what Benjamin Franklin said "it is a republic if we can keep it".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like this posting! It does make me think...we've always been taught that this is the "land of the free" and "the home of the brave". Those 2 phrases go hand in hand because to be truly free, you have to be truly brave and stand up for what you believe even though it's against the norm. Thanks for challenging us to think!!