What is Agenda 21?

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

WOW Jim Roddey joins Desantis team

Maybe Mr. Desantis does'nt have any new ideas after all. I was really looking for him to tap into some new people to bring real solutions to the mess we call Pittsburgh. It looks like we will get republican government solutions instead of democrat government solutions. What we need is private money in the city not more govt. grants, loans and old ideas. I am afraid that is what we will get with Mr. Roddey leading the charge. I have nothing personal agaist either man, I just wish candidates would just listen to the people and obey their oath of office. The city needs what it has always needed lower taxes, better schools and safer communities. You get this by returning to local control of schools and more home ownership. When you have to many renters or HUD homes you have high taxes, bad schools and unstable communities. People need to take pride in their neighborhood and they do when they own a stake in it. Any other solutions will just be a band aid on a very large wound. Good luck Mr. Desantis and Mayor Raventstall may the real solutions win.

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