What is Agenda 21?

Friday, July 4, 2008

Why Veterans Are Voting BALDWIN

There is every reason for Veterans all over the country to rally around Chuck Baldwin for President. When military veterans signed on the dotted line promising to protect and defend the United States of America they were guaranteed certain benefits. As President of the United States; Chuck Baldwin will honor our nation’s commitment in every way.

Military veterans have served in difficult and dangerous places and spend a lot of time away from their family and loved ones. They serve during the most productive years of their lives, years that can never be given back.

The Chuck Baldwin Administration will work diligently to make certain that these veterans have their benefits restored and he will vigorously resist the attempt by any government agency to nullify or reduce earned benefits to veterans and their survivors, including but certainly not limited to, compensation, pensions, education, and health care.

George Washington once said that, “the willingness of with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportionate to how they perceive the veterans of earlier wars were treated and appreciated by their country.”

Chuck Baldwin offers the “Real Deal”; promises made will be honored. Please join us as we work to move America forward. We need your vote, your prayers and your financial help.

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