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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Dan Frank is running for U.S. Congress 16th District

For Immediate Release August 5, 2008
Contact: Dan Frank (danf@danfrankforcongress.com)
(717) 380-3727

Lancaster, PA - Constitution Party member Dan Frank is announcing his candidacy for U.S. Congress in the 16th Congressional District. Dan and his volunteers have collected signatures from residents of the Lancaster area in support of his nomination. Individuals and several local organizations have responded with support and substantial signatures more than sufficient to place him on the ballot for the November 4, 2008 general election. The Constitution Party is America's fastest-growing and largest third party based on voter registrations (Ballot Access News).

A former Republican, Dan, like many, realized that the difference between the two parties is getting harder to distinguish each year. "The GOP, the so-called conservative party, has racked up record spending deficits, refused to secure our borders, increased government intrusion, and sponsors policies that send jobs off-shore," Dan continues, "while the Democrats, the so-called party of the working man, have shown many of the same characteristics, which of course coincide with the party's mantra of more taxes and big government." The latest NBC/WSJ poll has Congress's job approval rating at 13 percent.

Dan Frank sees these underlining issues along with elitism in Washington D.C. as motivations to run for office. According to Dan, "Keeping jobs in America is my top priority." He adds, "I have spoken with many in this area that are concerned of losing their jobs, or have lost jobs, and now an economy in turmoil has rightfully elevated their concerns. It is obvious to me only multi-national corporations and special interest are represented in D.C., not all citizens." Dan has made a pledge, which he intends on keeping, that if elected, his votes will have to meet the Constitutionality threshold and benefit all citizens, not a selected few. In addition, he will only serve four terms.

Dan has also spoken out on property rights, gun ownership, and sovereignty, as well as advocating free-market in energy.

More information about Dan Frank and his campaign can be found on his website, http://www.danfrankforcongress.com. This site includes biographical information about Dan and a calendar of upcoming events, as well as his position on many of the important issues.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Constitution Day
September 17, 2008

By Dan Frank

On this day, September 17th, two hundred and twenty one years ago in 1787, the U.S. Constitution was signed by thirty-nine brave men who forever changed the course of history. Sadly, probably one of the most monumental days in our history, goes all but unnoticed by many. Worst yet, politicians in Washington, who take an oath to defend and holdup the Constitution, all but ignore it, rendering this sacred oath essentially a formality for many in office. Thus, America, the beacon of liberty, prosperity, and equality is not what she once was; she has a fever that desperately needs attention, a doctor, in fact, I would say numerous doctors.

The cry for help is loud, very loud, our Constitutional Republic has given us so much, and it’s now time for us, the American people, to graciously give back, help her, restore her and nourish her, we can not nor must not let her succumb to her plight.

Let’s make that much needed call for assistance by celebrating this Constitution Day, and what better way to celebrate then by picking up the Constitution and begin reading it, studying it, and immersing yourself in it. Read the brilliant work our founding fathers penned two hundred and twenty one years ago that created the greatest country in the history of mankind. Rekindle the relationship with “liberty, justice, domestic tranquility, and posterity.”

Though not an official holiday, perhaps we ought to treat it as such, the beauty of recognizing this special day, there is no need for gifts, grilling burgers or baking cookies, just an hour or two of quiet time reading the true and only “Contract with America.” So I encourage you to take the time today, to read this incredible document, which was written in our very own Pennsylvania State House in Philadelphia, the same wonderful place where the Declaration of Independence was signed. We are fortunate to live in this history rich area, take advantage of it, take the short drive to Independence Hall. Make “the Constitution” and the spirit of liberty live loudly in your heart each and everyday.

If I may borrow some words from a movie although somewhat amended, “two hundred and twenty years ago great men wished to embed the seventeenth of September forever in our memory. There hope was to remind the world that fairness, justice, and freedom are more than words, they are perspectives. So if you've seen nothing, if the illness of our Constitution Republic remains unknown to you then I would suggest you allow the seventeenth of September to pass unmarked. But if you see what I see, if you feel as I feel, and if you would seek as I seek, then I ask you to stand beside me, and celebrate the seventeenth of September, and always remember, remember the seventeenth of September.”

You can read and download the Constitution at http://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution/constitution.overview.html

Dan Frank is a student of legal history, politics and the US Constitution. He is currently a congressional candidate for Pennsylvania’s 16th District with the Constitution Party.