What is Agenda 21?

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Are You Getting Ready?

Plan NOW To Attend The 2012
Constitution Party National Convention!!!
You Might Ask...
"Why should I attend the CP National Convention and
what goes on at a National Convention, anyway?"
A National Convention is not just some "big meeting" or  "great event" to come to "if you can make it."  There are several important reasons why you should make it a personal priority to be in Nashville next April to attend the 2012 Constitution Party National Convention: 

1) The National Convention only occurs once every four (4) years and, as a body, it constitutes the highest authority of the party--the rank and file members from all across the nation-- so decisions made at the convention are of critical importance.

2) At the National Convention, delegates will adopt a national platform that we can either proudly trumpet or "have to live with" for the next four years.  The platform gives a voice to our principles! You will want to make sure that you have a voice and a vote in the adoption our very important national platform.
3) The National Convention will lay the foundation for the 2012 Presidential Campaign. The nomination of the 2012 Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidates will take place at the National Convention and the 2012 Presidential Campaign will begin to take shape right there in Nashville.

4) National Committee officers who will guide the Constitution Party for the next four years will be elected at the National Committee meeting held in conjunction with the National Convention.

5) The National Convention is the marque event through which the Constitution Party presents itself to the media and the American voters.  It is most important, for this reason alone, to have a large enthusiastic gathering in Nashville next April.
6)  Who wouldn't want to visit Nashville?  It's gonna be great fun!
If you are interested in serving as a delegate from your state, contact your state leader. Let's get a full delegation from every state to the 2012 Constitution Party National Convention in Nashville.
Every Constitution Party supporter should make it a high priority to be in Nashville, Tennessee next April!
To stay abreast of all news, information and developments concerning the
2012 Constitution Party National Convention, please make it a habit to visit:
And, last but not least...
Here is a great way for all of us to support our
Constitution Party 2012 National Convention!

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