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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

State of the Union Address 2012 response


The President of the United States said many great things that the people want to hear. Yes, the people want to hear what is and what could be and what may be but, now let's see all of this happen. We, as Americans, have gone on long enough without seeing action. We deserve to see our government work for us and with us instead of making us work for them. There are still hundreds of thousands to millions of Americans out of work. Jobs and the economy still does not seem to be the focus of this President. The government should not be in the business of Education. They should only be in the business of protecting our country and securing our borders.

The President mentioned that the easy way to save more money is to not waste it. Well, I would say that the best way to save more money is to spend less money. Our money is being used for many things and then when the government has maxed out the "Country's Credit Card" we are the ones that end up flipping the bill to repay everything back.
The President continued on to say that we need to put half of the money saved from being not being at war towards paying off the debt. If our hard earned money would stop being used it would be so much easier to pay down and eventually pay it off completely. Americans are not just content with paying down the debt. They want it paid off. It is the best chance we all have to truly lower taxes once and for all.
We are being taxed more than we should, law upon law is being imposed and minute by minute, our rights are being infringed upon and taken away. Tax cuts are one topic of discussion that the President hit in his speech. Sure, tax cuts may differ but, we are talking about equality for all Americans. This is what America wants and deserves.
Parties play a big part in making decisions for our country. That is the first problem right there. This is where the people need to be able to have the opportunity to be back in power. We have the power, we have the rights, we have the authority! The government only represents us and our ideas. But, the question is "Do They?" I do not believe that they truly do on any level, local, state or federal.
The President goes on throughout his speech to talk about the State of our Union being strong. It is most definitely not strong enough with people out of work, constant imposition of laws restricting us as Americans, etc. This is not a strong State of the Union. But, believe me when I say that it can be strong. It will one day be strong. But, today it is not strong enough. It is not where it should and could be. This is where we, as Americans, must rise up and take upon ourselves the mantle that we have always had and push our country toward a better tomorrow. We can do it. Oh, yes we can!
The State of our Union is only as strong as we are as a country. We must unite, not as members of different parties but, as citizens of this great country, The United States of America! That is when the State of the Union will become stronger than ever and we will live in a land that flourishes. Now is the time for us to act and make things happen!
Posted on 24 Jan 2012, 22:21 - Category: South Central Region Blog

by Robert Nulton

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