What is Agenda 21?

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

April newsletter

A Word from the Vice Chairman of the Constitution Party of PA….

We are heading into the month in which the Constitution Party will hold its National Convention in Nashville, Tennessee. We have a great fight ahead of us. We face a nation that begs for more choice, more options and more freedom while at the same time this same nation also takes away those choices, options and freedoms from its people. That is why we, The Constitution Party, must continue to fight to preserve these freedoms that are still intact and ensure that the citizens of the United States have a third or fourth choice every time they go to the polls.

The Republicans continue their battle and continue to hurt themselves as a party which gives their Democratic opponent, President Obama, the upper hand. We need to and we must be that third choice that will bring prosperity and freedom back to our nation. Our great nation cannot afford nor can it survive four more years of President Obama’s tyranny. We need a nation led by the people again. We need less government and less overburdened laws that strangle small businesses and take away the “American Dream.”
As a party, we need to collect over 20,000+ signatures prior to August 1st, 2012. We need to give Pennsylvania and the United States a clear choice. We have that clear message and choice for them as long as we are willing to fight for a spot on the ballot. There is an exciting opportunity to have a real President that is for the people. That is why it is so important for all who can attend the National Convention in Nashville, Tennessee to do so. The dates are from April 18-21, 2012. We also have some members of the Constitution Party in Pennsylvania who are also running a tough campaign in order to get on the ballot for the November General Election.

We can and will be a strong party. We can and will continue to grow. We have good party leaders in place who are fighting day in and day out, week in and week out, month in and month out, etc. There is no doubt that we will show the people that we are the party that the people need at this time and forward. So, let’s get out there and make something happen

Pennsylvania Constitution Party Leaders
* Chairman: Joe Murphy
* Vice Chairman: Robert Nulton
* Treasurer: Jim Clymer
* Secretary: Donna Fike
* Website Manager: Jody Fike
* Northwest Region Chair: Ed Roberson
* North Central Region Chair: Brian Tevlin
* Northeast Region Chair: Open
* Southwest Region Chair: Jim Barr
* South Central Region Chair: Robert Nulton
* Southeast Region Chair: Gary Odom

Plan to attend the Constitution Party National Convention!
April 18-21, 2012
Nashville, Tennessee

Pennsylvania: 12 Delegates

What happens at the CP National Convention and what goes on at a Convention? A National Convention is not just a great event to come to "if you can." You should be there because… 1) It only occurs once every four (4) years and is the highest authority of the party so decisions made at the convention are of critical importance. 2) Delegates will vote on and adopt the platform that we can either proudly trumpet or "have to live with" for the next four years (which will greatly impact our outreach efforts to the average American voter as well as the campaigns of all of our candidates in 2012 and 2014); 3) It is the foundation of the Presidential Campaign for 2012. The nomination of the 2012 Presidential Candidate takes place at the convention. 4) National Committee officers for the next four years will be voted at the convention. 5) It is the marque event through which the Constitution Party presents itself to the media and the American voters. If you are interested in serving as a delegate from your state, contact your state leader. Let's get a full delegation from every state to this year's convention in Nashville.

TENTATIVE SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: Wednesday, April 18 12:30 pm Credentials Committee Meeting 2:00 pm Platform Committee Meeting (Until 10 pm)

 Thursday, April 19 8:00 am Platform Committee Meeting 9:00 am Rules Committee Meeting 4:00 pm Credentials Committee Meeting 7:00 pm Workshops on Ballot Access, Candidates, Media & Party Building

Friday, April 20 9:00 am Convention Opening Ceremony & Session 1 2:00 pm Session 2 Presidential Candidates Nominating Speeches & Candidates Addresses 5:30 pm Special Reception: Meet & Mingle with the Candidates 7:30 pm Session 3 Platform Committee Report - Debate and Adoption of Platform

Saturday, April 21 8:00 am Session 4 Roll Call Vote of the States to Elect Presidential Candidate and Presidential Candidate Acceptance Speech 2:00 pm Session 5 Vice-Presidential Candidate Nominating & Seconding Speeches Election of Vice Presidential Candidate Vice-Presidential Candidate Acceptance Speech 5:00 pm National Committee Meeting – Election of 2012-2016 National Officers Regional Caucuses of States – Election of Area Chairmen and Co-Chairmen 7:00 pm Campaign Kickoff Banquet .

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