What is Agenda 21?

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Step Right Up and Vote For Your Favorite Evil!

Are you tired of the political charades, the media circus portrayed to us as “news coverage” and the constant placement of establishment candidates at the top of the heap? Are you tired of the deceptions and broken promises?

Talk Shows?
Are you tired of the constant rehashing and replaying of the same short snippets, the lack of in depth analysis and thought provoking discussion, the controlling of the conversation and the barrage of name calling exhibited by many of the so called talk show hosts.

The Protest Vote!
Are you tired of voting for the lesser of two evils? Perhaps it’s beginning to feel more like a vote for the greater of two hoaxes. Wouldn’t you rather vote for someone rather than against someone? Would you prefer to choose from among those candidates who the media tells us “cannot win”, then to vote for one of the two portrayed as most likely to win; when neither comes even close to approximating your core values and beliefs? If so, you ready for the protest vote!

To Vote or Not to Vote?
Is your disgust for the political system so advanced that you are considering withholding your vote from any of the candidates? Do you think that “this will show them!”?  Think again! You could claim that you have voted for “none of the above” but the truth declares that you have not voted at all! You were a no show! The political parties and their candidates, along with the general mass of the population will only assume that you have joined ranks with those who don’t care, those who are too self-preoccupied or those who are just plain lazy. Don’t join them! Do your homework and use the power of your vote to choose one of the lesser known candidates who belongs to a political party whose principles and beliefs are similar to yours.

Weaken Their Power!
When you withhold your vote from a political party, they are denied the power of your vote. Leverage this power further by giving your vote to their competition. This competition is the party which they are most afraid of, the one that will be siphoning off the votes which they were dependent on. This is the one thing that they cannot permit to happen. This even makes the controllers who sit above the two major parties concerned because it might destroy their game. This takes power from them two-fold! Perhaps the out-of-touch party will start to take notice and either shape up or ship out! Remember; leverage your power so as to get the most bang for your vote!

The Two-Party Tyranny!
How has that two party system been working out for you? Has America ever seen a return to her founding principles or has she always been on the slippery slope of socialism (tyranny), no matter which party has stood at the helm? Also, is it not tyranny when you are forced to join either the donkey or the elephant team in order to play in the game? Do you agree with some of the propositions from each party while at the same time you are repulsed by many of the precepts put forth by each? Can you really choose between the donkeys and the elephants and at the same time remain true to your principles? Are we guilty of consenting to our tyranny? The two- party system is nowhere to be found in our constitution. The only reason we have it is because we have fallen for their hoax and we continue to put up with it! On top of that they have committed even more tyranny upon the American people by creating outrageously unfair ballot access rules, which require lesser known political parties to fight a uphill battle to get their candidates on the ballot. This only serves to protect the two-party tyranny as they effectively snuff out any new competition. As long as they can keep us duped into believing that we need to vote for the one in order to prevent the other from winning, they will have us firmly in their grasp. It’s the perfect scam to deceive a once free people into believing they are still free. At the same time it causes the general population to be more compliant to their demands. When we don't agree with something, we just bemoan the situation and console ourselves with the thought;"over half of the population must have voted for what we are getting so I guess it’s my duty to sit down, shut up and accept it."  Wrong!

How Do They Pull It Off?
German Philosopher, Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe, said it best: “None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.”  They deceive us into believing we have a choice and an opportunity to make a difference. This permits them to manipulate us. The two teams they offer for our selection are designed with controversial differences that are known to be “hot buttons” to the mass of the people and these issues will keep them busy fighting amongst themselves. This permits them to proceed with their agenda behind the scenes as they face little opposition. For the very same purpose they like to keep things stirred up according to race, gender or religious beliefs. By this method, along with others equally as devious, they have seriously eroded our national sovereignty and destroyed or seriously compromised our natural, Creator endowed rights.

Quit Consenting to Your Own Enslavement!
This time around, do something different. You cannot do the same thing over and over again and expect to receive anything but the same results. If you still believe in America; the Declaration of Independence; the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, defend them. If you still believe in Liberty, not just for yourself but for your children and grandchildren, stand up and defend it. Awaken others to this two-party deceit which channels our resources and efforts in useless pursuits. By “useless” I don’t mean to imply unimportant. Many of these issues are extremely important; but if they succeed in consummating their plan of total enslavement of the human family under their system, these issues will all be decided for us; whether we agree with them or not.

A Recommendation…..
If you are desirous for a restoration of the Constitution and the principles of Liberty which served as the catalyst of our nation’s greatness, I highly recommend that you check out the Constitution Party. It is a relatively new and growing political party which has become home to many inspired patriots and constitutional activists. We invite you and others to roll up your sleeves and jump in to get the job done! You can go to constitutionparty.com to learn more. While on the website, please find the contact information and website for your State Party. Make contact with someone from your State and let them know of your desire to help.

We Are Not Perfect……
The Constitution Party is not perfect. We all fall short as individuals and how can we being imperfect, create something of perfection? We can only strive and hope to closely approximate that perfection which we all desire to achieve. May we have the same spirit and wisdom which Benjamin Franklin demonstrated at the end of the Constitutional Convention. Being  81 years old and in poor health, he was carried day after day to and from the convention. For this reason, he wrote down his thoughts and had James Wilson read them to the assembled delegates as follows.

“I confess that there are several parts of this constitution which I do not at present approve, but I am not sure I shall never approve them: For having lived long, I have experienced many instances of being obliged by better information, or fuller consideration, to change opinions even on important subjects, which I once thought right, but found to be otherwise. It is therefore that the older I grow, the more apt I am to doubt my own judgment, and to pay more respect to the judgment of others…….

I doubt too whether any other Convention we can obtain, may be able to make a better Constitution. For when you assemble a number of men to have the advantage of their joint wisdom, you inevitably assemble with those men, all their prejudices, their passions, their errors of opinion, their local interests, and their selfish views. From such an assembly can a perfect production be expected? It therefore astonishes me, Sir, to find this system approaching so near to perfection as it does……

Thus I consent, Sir, to this Constitution because I expect no better, and because I am not sure, that it is not the best. The opinions I have had of its errors, I sacrifice to the public good.

On the whole, Sir, I can not help expressing a wish that every member of the Convention who may still have objections to it, would with me, on this occasion doubt a little of his own infallibility, and to make manifest our unanimity, put his name to this instrument.”

Perfection can seem out of reach or elusive, yet it remains a worthy goal to strive for it. We will not achieve agreement on everything but out of necessity we must stand together in the defense of liberty. If we lose this precious gem of liberty, our differences will be settled for us in ways that we will not appreciate and "perfection" will be what we are told it is...... by our new masters.

For Liberty!
Jody Fike
Website Manager

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