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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Put The Constitution Party On The Ballot In Pennsylvania In 2012!

Tired of settling for the "lesser evil?" 
Would you rather vote for the greater good?
Here is your chance!
If you want a real choice, and not simply an echo, on the ballot in Pennsylvania in the 2012 Presidential race, you will have it, if the Constitution Party qualifies for the ballot.  Former Virginia Congressman Virgil Goode and Pennsylvania's own Jim Clymer, a Lancaster County constitutional law attorney and former national chairman of the Constitution Party, were nominated for President
and Vice-President respectively at the recent Constitution Party National Convention in Nashville, Tennessee.  Please review the following chart. If you agree with Virgil Goode on these key issues, please look below to find out how you can help put the Goode/Clymer ticket and the Constitution Party on the ballot in Pennsylvania.

If you want the real choice that the Goode/Clymer presidential ticket and Constitution Party statewide candidates, Donna Fike for
State Treasurer and Bob Goodyear for Auditor-General, can provide Pennsylvania voters, it will be necessary for the Constitution Party to first qualify the ballot in Pennsylvania in 2012. We have a little over 2 months to collect and submit nearly 21,000 valid petition signatures- which will probably require collecting 30,000 or more actual signatures- to the state on or before August 1, 2012.  This absolutely can be done, but...WE NEED YOUR HELP!
Petitioning has already begun, but we have a long way to go.  We need volunteer petitioners, and a lot of 'em, all over Pennsylvania!  Will you please help collect signatures in your neighborhood, community and county. Can we count on you to gather signatures from family members, friends, neighbors, and (gasp!) maybe even folks you don't know?  We can't afford to be shyWe can't afford to be lazy!  If we want to restore Constitutional government by giving voters an opportunity to vote for the greater good, rather than to settle for the lesser evil, it will be up to us to make sure that choice is available on the ballot this November.  Please open the following link to find out how you can receive petitions and instructions, so that you can do your part to give all Pennsylvanians a real choice on the ballot in 2012:
Perhaps you would like to assist in some way beyond just petitioning or perhaps, for some reason, you are unable to secure petitions signatures yourself.  You can certainly help the cause by making a donation to Constitution Party of Pennsylvania's ballot access campaign fund. It may become necessary to supplement what our volunteers can collect through help of paid professional petitioners.  We will only be able to do this if there is money to pay them.  Just for your information, petitioners usually charge a minimum of $1.50 (often much more) per signature plus expenses.  While any all donations for this cause are most welcome, you might want to keep that figure in mind in deciding how much you might wish to donate.  For example, if you would like to help secure 500 signatures, but are not able to secure any yourself, you may want to donate $750.  Likewise, if you wish to cover 50 signatures, a $75 donation would be suggested.  Nevertheless, ANY donation to our Constitution Party of Pennsylvania ballot access fund will be greatly appreciated.
Should more funds be collected for this purpose than is necessary to fund the petition drive, the balance would go toward supporting the 2012 Constitution Party election campaign in PA.  Please open the following link to find out how you can make a financial contribution to the Constitution Party of Pennsylvania ballot access campaign:
Don't be wishing that you had done more "when you had the chance"...
NOW IS YOUR CHANCE!  Please help....TODAY!
Let's Put The Constitution Party On The Ballot In Pennsylvania In 2012!

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